Creatine Supplements

In 2017, the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) released a position statement on creatine. They reviewed the evidence 4 years ago and found the supplement to be highly effective for muscle building and performance. And while this was five years ago, the studies still hold up today. The ISSN doesn’t make this recommendation lightly. The review they undertook was very comprehensive and looked at performance, recovery, injury and probably what it is most well known for, which is exercise tolerance.

In a 2021 scientific review paper, creatine was found to increase lean muscle mass, while also improving exercise capacity for both short and long duration exercise. It also enhances post-exercise fatigue, injury prevention while also possessing neurogenic (brain) health benefits.

Creatine is converted in the body into phosphocreatine, which is used to make the energy unit in the body called adenosine triphosphate (more commonly known as ATP). Thus, creatine can help the body produce more energy, which can help you work out and work out harder.


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