ATP Science Manufacturing - A History

ATP Science's manufacturing goes beyond best practice when it comes to manufacturing. For ATP Science it's all about producing the best products possible.

ATP Science Manufacturing - A History
When ATP Science first started we followed conventional business advice, or so called “Best Practice” and looked to outsource everything. Slowly but surely after constant disappointment we insourced everything. From distribution, to branding and marketing and finally manufacturing. “The Screw it, let’s do it” was a defining moment in our company’s history.

So in becoming the reluctant manufacturer we have become a better company. We now understand how to reduce redundancies in our formulation, removing excipients, going clean label and truly having crystal clear clarity over our end product. It certainly hasn’t been an easy process but as the old saying goes – if it was easy everyone would do it. Maximising profits and minimising staff is the motto that many companies run by – and we understand that is a great way to improve the bottom line, however, for ATP Science it’s about producing the best possible product we can make (if someone can do it better than us, then we will use that service). For the most part we have found while it may be a cheaper exercise, and certainly a lot less management and head space to outsource manufacturing, we have consistently found the value, care and attention to detail is not there. We often say that manufacturing was the hardest thing ATP Science has ever done, but also the best thing we have ever done.

So where from here? Currently we are upgrading our facility with new packaging lines, increasing our blending capacity by 200% and hiring more manufacturing staff. We have taken on additional leases to contain the amount of stock we are producing and are looking even further ahead to manage the continuous growth we are experiencing. It is very likely we will start construction of our very own purpose built facility expanding our capabilities and output significantly (just quietly we envisage a Googlesk type of environment with work friendly environments and state of the art everything).

While the destination is important we understand the journey has to be both value driven and fun. We constantly receive resumes of people wishing to join our company because we extoll the virtues of enjoying life, adding value and serving others. Going forward, we will continue to find ways to deliver those key attributes which makes ATP Science successful.


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