
Turmeric - Why we love this Golden Herb!
Turmeric is such an incredible herb! Its been used for centuries for health benefits, coloring in...
Herbal Prep Methods - How to's
Herbal Prep Methods - Introduction Herbal preparation can be done and taken in many ways, in trad...
Cadmium Exposure - Testosterone Effects & Your Testis!
Cadmium Exposure On Your Testis! Cadmium exposure is not ideal, it's toxic to humans and animals,...
Astragin - The Absorption Assistant
A modernization of traditional practices. Astragin combines Astragalus and Ginseng that has been ...
Ketosis – Facts, Fat loss and Fraud
What is ketosis? When we test positive for the ketones in urine or breath; we are in ketosis. Yo...
EAA's Vs BCAA's - The Great Debate?
There is a strange ongoing debate between those that believe BCAA is the most effective supplemen...
Grass Fed vs Grain Fed Omega Ratios
Omega ratios in relation to grass-fed/grain fed diet in cows What do cows eat? It sounds like a s...
Blood - What gets tested and why
LFT (liver function tests) LFT does not measure liver function. It looks for liver damage and liv...
Zinc, why do we need it and how do we get it?
Why do we need this Zinc in our diet? Zinc is one of the most vital micronutrient elements needed...
Viewing 199 - 207 of 242 articles