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Are Probiotics bad for us? Are we getting too much?
Gut Health

Are Probiotics bad for us? Are we getting too much?

Probiotics are huge on the global market nowadays, they bloomed (pun intended) in recent years, and now we see them everywhere. We have spoken about biotics in general prior to now, however, what w...

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Gut HealthEstrobolome and Weight, How your Bugs Contribute

Estrobolome and Weight, How your Bugs Contribute

Estrobolome- At birth, we are initially colonized with a whole host of bugs from our mum. We get a big mouth full and we are born covered in them as well as exposed to them in our brand-new environ...

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Gut HealthHow are your Post-Christmas Poops?

How are your Post-Christmas Poops?

It’s the first week of January 2021, you have successfully eaten two cob loaves, Christmas pudding with brandy custard, you took up every opportunity where seconds were offered and you garnished mi...

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Gut HealthOrganic Acids' In The Body, And Why We Test For Them

Organic Acids' In The Body, And Why We Test For Them

Organic acids - As the name would suggest, organic acids are organic compounds (i.e. a compound that contains carbon) that are weakly acidic. An acid is a chemical that donates a proton (H+ ion) an...

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Gut HealthPsychobiome – Research for Brain Targeted Medications

Psychobiome – Research for Brain Targeted Medications

Psychobiome – Emerging research is riding the wave of the ever-expanding world of the microbiome. This time, it's with the direct relationship that our microbes have with our brain. A very young st...

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Gut HealthMicrobiome - 5 Things You Didn't Know About Your Gut!

Microbiome - 5 Things You Didn't Know About Your Gut!

Microbiome of the gut - we harp on about gut health so much – what can we say, we are a little bit obsessed. There are trillions of bugs in our gut, all kinds of organisms, and science is now ridin...

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Gut HealthBristol Stool - Get to know Your Poop over the 10 Days!

Bristol Stool - Get to know Your Poop over the 10 Days!

Bristol Stool Chart? You have signed on for the 10-day challenge, you're not sure what to expect and to be honest, we can't tell you a specific guide for what to expect. Why? Because there are tril...

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Gut HealthLactose - Have we always been 'Intolerant'?

Lactose - Have we always been 'Intolerant'?

Lactose is a form of sugar, more specifically a disaccharide (two monosaccharides joined together) found in mammals’ milk, including human milk.  As a disaccharide, it cannot be absorbed unless it ...

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Gut HealthWhy do we get Reflux/GERD?

Why do we get Reflux/GERD?

Reflux - gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a widespread gastrointestinal disorder worldwide with an estimated prevalence of 20-30% in Western countries[1]. In the general population, about ...

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Gut HealthCaffeinated Bathroom Habits – Role of Caffeine in the Gut

Caffeinated Bathroom Habits – Role of Caffeine in the Gut

The Caffeinated Poop – we all know what that means, the smell of a fresh brew in the AM, or when it first touches your lips and then suddenly… the urge to use the bathroom becomes like an inescapab...

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Gut HealthWhy does Magnesium make me Poop?!

Why does Magnesium make me Poop?!

This is a common question, “why does the magnesium I take make me need to poop?!”. Well, we are here to shed some light on your toilet dilemmas and it comes down to the age-old discussion of ‘Bioav...

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Gut HealthImmune Health and your Gut Microbiome Link.

Immune Health and your Gut Microbiome Link.

Microbiome Immune system - It seems counter-intuitive that trillions of microbes can have a positive effect on anything, especially the immune system. I mean, we were taught that bugs were bad and ...

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Gut HealthFODMAP - What does this mean?

FODMAP - What does this mean?

FODMAP – What does this mean? Low “Fermentable Oligo-, Di, and Monosaccharide and Polyol” diet. Still confused, don’t worry many are! Let’s break it down some more….This type of diet was produced a...

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