
Dive into your go-to resource for practical insights, backed by science, to power your performance, elevate wellness, and embrace a healthier lifestyle. From expert tips to easy-to-digest research, we empower you to make breakthroughs, one read at a time.

Olfactory – The First Steps of Digestion

Olfactory – The First Steps of Digestion

What is the Olfactory Mucosa? Olfactory – not to be mistaken with ‘old factories’ although, if that helps you to remember its name, then hey, whatever works right!? Why are we looking deeper into t...

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healthFasting - Tips, Research and Myths

Fasting - Tips, Research and Myths

Intermittent Fasting: 5 Tips for Staying in a Fast Fasting - Intermittent fasting has taken the dieting world by storm but in terms of its methods and practice as a whole, Intermittent fasting has ...

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healthMental Health Day - 10th October

Mental Health Day - 10th October

“One big thing though that I want to make clear is that you don’t treat the disease, you treat the person.” – Matt Legge   Taking a moment... October 10th is world mental health day… and while ever...

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healthCadmium Exposure - Testosterone Effects & Your Testis!

Cadmium Exposure - Testosterone Effects & Your Testis!

Cadmium Exposure On Your Testis! Cadmium exposure is not ideal, it's toxic to humans and animals, the body can tolerate it in small traces as we often find it in our diets, especially in nuts. Howe...

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healthBlood - What gets tested and why

Blood - What gets tested and why

LFT (liver function tests) LFT does not measure liver function. It looks for liver damage and liver blockage. Any defect in function is not detected until it proceeds to damage or blockage. BUT the...

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healthIs it possible to be fat but healthy?

Is it possible to be fat but healthy?

New York Times Article Can you be fit and healthy, even if you’re overweight? And will working out, despite the extra pounds, reduce your risk of a heart attack? The idea that you can be “fat but f...

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healthWhat is the Vagus Nerve?

What is the Vagus Nerve?

The Vagus Nerve, also known as the wandering nerve, directly connects the brain and gut to form the brain and gut axis and enteric nervous system. Over history, much investigation on this nerve als...

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healthClinical Picture of Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism

Clinical Picture of Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism Subclinical Hypothyroidism A woman reports fatigue and mild depression. The physical examination is unremarkable. No thyroid enlargement is present. Laboratory results include normal...

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healthATP Science Manufacturing - A History

ATP Science Manufacturing - A History

When ATP Science first started we followed conventional business advice, or so called “Best Practice” and looked to outsource everything. Slowly but surely after constant disappointment we insource...

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healthMethylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR)

Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR)

Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) polymorphism is the most common genetic cause of elevated levels of homocysteine in the plasma (hyperhomocyst...

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healthInsulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance

Insulin 101 The overall action of insulin is to increase energy storage in an organism in the form of transient glycogen and enduring fat. In addition to increasing glucose utilization form blood, ...

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healthCortisol | What It Is And What It Does

Cortisol | What It Is And What It Does

The HPA (hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal) Axis As widely reviewed, the HPA axis is a tightly regulated system that represents one of the body’s mechanisms for responding to acute and chronic stress...

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