
Creatine - What does the Science really say?
Creatine - Almost every semi-serious athlete wants to take ‘something’ to give them ‘that edge’ i...
Muscle Hypertrophy - from Training to your Tucker
Muscle hypertrophy - I mean, who doesn't want bigger muscles? 99.999% of guys want more muscle ma...
Mushrooms are Magic for Immunity
Mushrooms can be magic for our immunity! Everybody has heard of the immune system. Most people th...
Vitex - The Virtues of this herb for Womens Health
Vitex - There may be no more ‘womanly herb’ than Vitex agnus-castus (or Chaste Tree, or, as it is...
James Newbury’s Top 5 Functional Movements
James Newbury and the ATP Science Team recently teamed up at Soul Rebel CrossFit Gym to discuss s...
Social Comparison - Stuck in a Loop on Social Media?
Social comparison and social media, the double-edged sword that we often find ourselves dealing w...
Schisandra - Looking at the Last Five Years
Schisandra Chinensis is famous in the herbal medicine world for being used for multiple systems i...
Cooking with Collagen - Can you Heat Collagen Protein?
“Can you cook with collagen?” We get asked this question a lot, and we love answering it, why? B...
Collagen Types – What’s up with them?
“What type of collagen does ATP use in their Noway range?” This is probably one of the most popu...
Viewing 100 - 108 of 240 articles